Globally all instruments send sound to an audio channel. Default channel
is the Master (redirected then to the Output if no effect is attribute)
Sympheo manage 17 audio channels,
15 Standards
1 Master
1 audio output (the audio file)
Plus a 18th that is very specific: Parent Channel (defined parent object).
Each Track has an out channel (by default Master)
To change it clic on "audio out" in properties window.

Remark: Parenthesis mean that channel is defined by parent object. (At
root parent is always set as Master)
Sounds passing through channels can be used by other very specific instruments:
Their distinctive feature is to have input audio channel. Datas read from
this channel are modified by the effect then send out to another channel.
Effect interfaces are stored in "FX Palette" sheet:
To use effects, first stage consist to define CSound modules in "FX
Palette" sheets the same way as in "Sound Palette"
Effects are managed in the main view by "FX channel" object
( specialized tracks for FX usage)
They have an Input and an Output channel, In: / out:
Use Stamp tool to
create effects in "FX Channel"
By default a effect will have the "expand mode" activated (it
size will be set to the parent one)
Important: These objects must be place after Tracks about whom it use
datas ! Else no hope to hear something...
"FX channel" can also contain "tracks"
(with an input channel also)
Data circulation:
Two main mode: whether in series, or in parallel (default).
An icon between In and Out show this transit.
Here are differents possibilities:
Written datas can replace or be added to destination channel content.
parallel FX management:

Same FX managed in series:

Remark: If there is no FX channel assigned to Master channel then data
are send automatically to audio out.
This allow to simply compose and hear sounds without any care of effects
and channel assignment.
Important: An "FX channel" object is an empty box as a track.
If there is nothing in it, nothing will heard.
In and Out presence doesn't mean that data will pass through. To hear
something it is absolutly necessary that at least one effect is there.
Also mute a serie effect at chain end or begining stop audio datas to
pass through it.
Another exemple:

The two first track named "glong" an "noise" send
sound to Master channel. Data will be used then by "main FX"
who will send it to Output.
The third track "music" send sound to channel 1, then "FX
One" will get it and will send it to Master to meet datas from "glong"
and "noise".
Effects form a chain that must reach to audio out (final audio file indeed)
Here is the "FX channels" content:
"main fx" contain 2 series FX and another in parallel.