a CSound synthesis graphic interface oriented to music composition.


Sympheo requirement :

  • Windows XP, (Win98, 2000, NT these platforms haven't been tested yet but should work).
  • Minimum screen resolution 1024x768.
  • CSound, must be installed on your computer.
    You can get the last version here. Choose the "Windows Console mode" version ->> csound_con.zip



The lastest version: Sympheo.zip


Installation :

Unzip sympheo.zip file in a folder of your choice, keep the original folder path from the zip.

Double-click on « sympheo.exe ». The program should start without mishap.

You must now indicate the cSound location on your hard disk, necessary to sound calculation. Select "Set CSound Location" in the "preferences" menu, then navigate to locate the cSound .exe file. (ex: consound.exe or csound32.exe).

SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-plateform multimedia library. Many informations about it (other application using it, source code) is available at www.libsdl.org

Release note:

For people who already used the first release (2003), please do not unzip data in your present Sympheo folder.
Create it in a separate folder then move files you have created (.sng, opcodes) in new folder.

Opcode file extension has changed from .orc to .udo. Do not not forgot to rename it.

Opcode name has also change since now Sympheo use filename as name in sympheo.
If Sympheo don't find a .udo file a message will prompt you to select a new file.


Sympheo hasn't been widely tested... Please report me any bugs or remarks you could have. Thanks.