october 18, 2004:
0.806 version is online with many new fonctionnalities:
- Multiple Undo/redo.
- Freeze mode to precalculate sounds.
- Mode solo, to listen only one object.
- Sound FX management.
- Use of SDL and OpenGL for display.
- Main window resizable.
- X-ray mode to make overlapping notes edition easier.
- Subfolder management for csound opcodes.
- opcode file extension renamed from .orc to .udo (user define opcode)
- Cursor position unit coordinate display on screen.
- Object can be stretch at a value lower then 100%.
- Sample rate, control rate adjustable.
- predefined global curves to manage amplitude, frequency and panning..
Here is a little example of composition create with Sympheo for Omale
SF novel web site.
To install Sympheo it is here --> Download
november 14, 2003:
New exe for those who still have problems with directX -->
november 13, 2003:
New exe, here.
- Silence bug for long track fixed.
- Multiple zoom for note editor.
- Snap grid is now effective when creating objects in notes editor (and
not only when moving objects)
- More messages for this directX initialisation error occuring on some
computers. (to know more)
Thanks to all of you who tell me there feeling for this first release.
Thanks to Hans Mikelson to allow me to adapt some of his instruments to
november 8, 2003: !!!
First Release of SYMPHEO version Beta !!!
A new CSound Front End is born !
After more than a year in the making Sympheo is sufficiently advanced
to be release.
Accompanied by a documentation mainly in a tutorial form.
I created this tool for my own use first (and also to learn C/C++ language).
It started from the desire to create and compose pure sound synthesis
tendind towards music. Being not a musician, I prefered to create a tool
putting aside instrumental spontaneity, and be focus on graphic fluctuation
of each sound parameter based on strong time structure and curves. When
I started this project, I was unaware of CSound existence. My knowledge
in sound synthesis was low, i haved just program an internal module to
do some additive synthesis using harmonics. CSound discovery changed totally
my horizon of creation. I shelved my additive module and I plan to plug
this fabulous sound engine to Sympheo. This is done. Currently Csound
instruments (as opcode) designed for it are few, new will comes, and may
be I hope from other CSounder !
Many functionnalities are missing (example: no undo/redo !), nevertheless
Sympheo is fully usable.
Hoping this tool will be useful to the others...
Eric Chahi.